When and How Did Plastic Packaging Take Over the Painting Industry?

Paint is a product that’s canvased all the surrounding things, whether it’s buildings, vehicles, or anything else for that matter. Painting is all around you, but how does it get there? More often than not, you will find 15 ltr paint buckets lying around. Plastic pails and buckets are the most common forms of transportation […]

How to Choose the Right Plastic Food Packaging Boxes for Your Food Business?

Damaged food containers with food dripping all over are the worst nightmare for all the folks ordering takeouts. Food containers play a significant role in the overall customer experience for all kinds of fast food chains. Whether it’s takeouts or free time snacks, food packaging keeps the food secure, intact and safe from chemical, physical […]

3 Creative Ways to Reuse Takeaway Food Packaging Containers

Who doesn’t love ordering takeout and eating in the comfort of one’s own home? But have you ever wondered what happens to plastic takeout containers after you are done with them? Most of them make their way to the dumps or landfills and stay there, polluting the environment for millennia. If you wish to do […]

5 Advantages of In Mould Labelling

When in-mould labelling (IML) was invented in the 1970s, it revolutionised the entire labelling process. From then on, this process only kept getting better with time and has gained immense popularity in recent years. During the process, a preprinted polypropylene (PP) label is placed in the mould. The molten PP fuses with the label as […]

3 Reasons You Should Use Rectangular Packaging

When you are out looking for plastic food containers in Melbourne, the shape of your plastic packaging container can significantly impact your costs and customer experience. Plastic container manufacturers offer various shapes and sizes, but each has pros and cons. You must ensure that the shape you go for fulfils all your requirements. With custom […]

What is HACCP Certification?

HACCP is a preventative system applied to every stage of the food supply chain, ensuring the safety of food as it makes its way to consumers. Since plastic food containers are being used widely in Australia, manufacturers and suppliers need to ensure that they don’t contaminate the food. That is where the HACCP certification comes […]

5 Factors to Consider While Selecting the Right Packaging

Packaging forms a crucial part of the overall experience the food and dairy companies provide their customers. In addition to protecting the products, packaging forms play a significant role in the marketing and branding of your company. With so many options available in the market, finding the right packaging for your products might become challenging. […]

How does the Dairy Industry Choose Its Packaging Options?

The container impacts your customers before they even experience the product. Packaging plays a crucial role in preserving the taste, the quality, and ensuring leak-proof transportation in the food and dairy industries. The dairy industry requires a package that will prevent post-process contamination from bacterial sources. These packages need to be made from materials that […]

What Materials Are Used For Packaging Food?

What Materials Are Used For Packaging Food? The oldest form of packaging might be terracotta or clay vessels, found in ancient ruins of civilisations all over the world. Packaging has evolved over millennia to suit the customer’s needs, achieve longer shelf life, and keep the products safe through their journey from the manufacturer to the […]

Can Plastic Packaging Containers Affect Your Business?

Whatever your products may be, the first impression is always made by your packaging. The packaging and containers that you use are an extension of your branding. Especially in the food and dairy industries, even in the stores, customers will first come into contact with the packaging before accessing the product. The design, the shape, […]